Buying a Voucher to a Pharmacy – Lame Yet Cool!

Looking for a super helpful baby shower gift? For something a bit different, and sure to be very useful, why not consider a gift voucher for a pharmacy.

If you have not had a baby yourself, this might seem like a strange idea for a present, although once you have your own child you will understand! New babies go through a lot of pharmacy goods. Things like nappy rash cream, baby panadol, diapers, dummies, formula… In fact most disposable items that a baby needs are from a pharmacy and the new parents will quickly find that they are spending half their pay cheque in a pharmacy.

I know I rarely went into a pharmacy before having children and now it can sometimes feel like I am in there every second day. Pharmacies certainly make good money from new parents.

For these reasons, a pharmacy voucher can make a fantastic present. It is easy to buy and easy for the new parents to use. The best part is that you can be sure that it will be put to good use with the parents getting something they actually need and will be sure to use.

When buying your pharmacy voucher, look for a chain pharmacy that is situated near the mom to be’s home. New parents usually do not want to venture far so you want to make it super easy for them to use. A pharmacy in a chain is also a good idea so that the voucher can be used at multiple stores.

Another alternative is to buy a voucher for an online pharmacy. This way it is even easier for the new mom to order what she needs and not even worry about leaving the house.

A pharmacy vouchers makes an excellent present. Do not feel embarrassed and be sure that mom to be is going to be thanking you!